Discrimination generally comes under a number of categories including racial, sexual, colour, intellectual, physical, marital status and age discrimination.

If you have faced situation of Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Victimization; we may be able to help you. You could be the victim of discrimination because of your age, your dress, your financial situation, your sexual preference or disablilty.

You do not have to put up with unlawful discrimination, as most of such conduct is deemed unlawful in NSW.

Racial Discrimination 

The Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (now abrugated) was the first specific commonwealth law on human rights. Subsequently the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission was established to ensure a code of behaviour that is harmonious, just and peaceful within Australian Society.

Sexual Harassment

The Federal Sex Discrimination Act 1984 makes it unlawful to sexually harass another person in any circumstances. The most common include:

• At work – by an employer or another employee.
• In education – by a staff member or student (16 years and over).
• In providing goods and services – by a person who provides those goods and services, such as a shopkeeper or tradesperson.
• In accommodation and housing – by a person who provides these services or is involved in these transactions, such as a landlord or real estate agent.
• In the administration of Commonwealth laws and programs – by a person employed to provide this program.

In many cases employers can be held legally responsible for sexual harassment by employees, if it occurs in connection with their work.

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